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Juanjook, Juanjo Torres González wit ID: 48533220T sito en Avda. Oviedo, 03540 Alicante (Spain), phone 965 16 82 96 and e-mail alcatjuanjook.com (nickname Juanjook) is the owner of the following sites (www.juanjook.com, viajes.juanjook.com). Established the following Privacy policy is applicable to all websites previously, declared entirely understood as all the pages and subpages included in the domain www.juanjook.com o www.juanjook.es, under the nickname Juanjook any liability on the different privacy policies and protection of personal data that may contain Web sites which can be accessed through the hyperlinks located on those web sites and not directly managed the webmaster. Juanjook wants to bring to the attention of the users of these web sites that this statement reflects the policy on protection of data that follows Juanjook. This policy has been structured clearly respecting the rules on protection of data of a personal nature, that is, among others, the Organic Law 15/1999, December 13, of Pprotection of Data of a personal nature (now LOPD) and the Real Decreto 994/1999, of 11 June, which approves the regulation of security measures of automated files containing data of a personal nature (in forward Regulation 994/1999).
Juanjook do not collects personal information of the users of these web sites, anonymous browsing through them, being perfectly possible if the user so wishes. Juanjook will only get personal data of those users who voluntarily want to provide them through the contact e-mail, through the section Contact, established for that purpose. Only in such cases where the user wants it, and always on a voluntary basis, may communicate data of a personal nature that it deems appropriate to Juanjook, using the form laid down in the page. Data provided voluntarily by the user will be incorporated into an automated file called Juanjook Contacts created for the purpose of inform users about the services offered by Juanjook. Therefore, the user who provides to Juanjook their personal data expressly agrees to the automated treatment of the same, with the purpose of that Juanjook can tell at specific moments of services of creativity that develops. Juanjook does not use cookies or automatic collection of information devices, that is, small files that are deposited on the hard disk of the users of the web sites that serve to recognize the browser of a specific computer, and do not provide for themselves personal data of the user of the terminal.
Personal data collected by Juanjook, are stored in a file of database whose ownership corresponds exclusively to Juanjook, assuming that all the technical, organisational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and quality of the information contained therein in accordance with in the LOPD and in the Regulation 994/1999. Communication between users and Juanjook does not use a secure channel, and the transmitted data do not travel encrypted, by what we ask users to refrain from sending personal data that deserve consideration of data specially protected under the terms of the Article 7 of the LOPD, since the security measures applicable to a non-secure channel make it inadvisable.
Personal data which are communicated on a voluntary basis by the user to Juanjook will be used only for the purpose of informing the user, upon request, of the services provided by Juanjook and its use will always respond to lawful purposes related to the creative activity of Juanjook. All data received will be treated with the strictest confidentiality, devoted only to those purposes for which they were collected and which expressly informs the user at the time of collection. The user who voluntarily communicate their data to Juanjook through web sites (www.juanjook.com or www.juanjook.es) expressly consents to the use of personal data for the sending of creative information on new products and services of Juanjook, in strict compliance with provisions of the current legislation of Services of the Information Society, referred to as far as the sending of commercial communications.
Data collected through these web sites personal (www.juanjook.com and www.juanjook.es) shall not be transferable to any other subject or company, or to third parties, except in the specific cases that such transfer is configured as mandatory subjects and by the LOPD. The data collected will be treated respecting the regulations on protection of personal data (LOPD).
Juanjook undertakes to maintain, at all times, the personal data that the users of these websites have voluntarily provided (www.juanjook.com and www.juanjook.es), updated, so respond truthfully to the identity and personal characteristics of those users. For this reason, any user can at any time exercise the right to access, rectify, and where appropriate, cancel their personal data supplied to Juanjook through the Contact form, by means of written communication or e-mail addressed to Juanjook.
as responsible for the treatment we undertake to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of their rights. At any time you can exercise the following rights: (1) Right of access. You are entitled to confirm that we are dealing with your personal data, and Yes if so, to obtain a copy of such data and information complete treatment. (2) Rectification right. You have the right to correct errors, modify inaccurate or incomplete data, and ensure the accuracy of the information processed. (3) Law of suppression. You have the right to request the deletion of your data without undue delay, where the treatment is unlawful or the purpose which motivated their treatment or collection had disappeared. (4) Right to limitation of treatment. You have the right to request the suspension of treatment where this is illegal or the accuracy of the information has been challenged. (5) Right of opposition. You have the right to oppose the processing of your data when it is intended to direct marketing or to cease treatment for reasons related to their personal situation, except that proving a legitimate interest that is necessary for the exercise or defence of claims. (6) Right not to be subject to individualized decisions. You have the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on the automated processing, including the development of profiles, which produces legal effects or affect you, unless it is necessary for the performance of a contract, is permitted by the law or you have given your explicit consent. To exercise these rights please send an e-mail a: [email protected] or postal mail to:
Torres González Juanjo with DNI: 48533220T located at Avda Oviedo, 03540 Alicante, 965 16 82 96 phone and e-mail alcarrobajuanjook.com (nickname Juanjook) indicating so clear (i) their identity, with an indication of at least your full name and the email address you used when you contact with Juanjook, and (ii) the right or rights which exercises. Also you can go to the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( www.agpd.es) to apply for the protection of your rights, if it deems it appropriate. The exercise of these rights is free, unless formulated requests manifestly unfounded or excessive, in which case the applicant may be required to bear the cost of the procedure.
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A Cookie is a small text file that a web site stores on the user's browser. Cookies facilitate use and navigation for a website and are essential for the operation of the internet, providing countless advantages in providing interactive services.
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This document of Cookies is made from an external audited technician to being, therefore, subject to periodic updates. Its purpose is to help you understand this website use cookies, the purpose of the used cookies, as well as the options that the user has at his disposal to manage them.
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Kinds of cookies:
· Analytical
The website Juanjook.com uses analytical cookies to collect statistics on activity, navigation, and behaviors of the user on the site and the activity of himself. The information, data, collected movements is anonymous and makes it possible to optimize the navigation for the page of Juanjook.com and, above all, guarantee service and optimization to the user. The user can disable his activity through systems of exclusion provided by analytical tools.
Guarantees and options about cookies
During the installation or upgrade of the browser, the user has the possibility to accept, modify or reject the installation of cookies on his/her system, or on the other hand, reject the installation of certain cookies, such as advertising and those of third people. In addition, after each session or visit to the site, you can delete some or all of the stored cookies.
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I advise you to consult the help or settings on your browser (Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.) to learn of options about how to manage and control the cookies on your own system. Please note that blocking cookies can affect the total or part of the functionality of the web.
Cookies used on the website juanjook.com:
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As already explained in the Privacy Policy of the site, cookies allow to obtain the maximum performance and optimization of the web site.
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Juanjo Torres González Juanjook
Avda. Oviedo,
03540 Alicante - España
Phone: 965 16 82 96
E-mail: alcatjuanjook.com
D | Oviedo Ave.
03540 Alicante (Spain)
W | www.juanjook.com