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Home > Creativity


SuperBuble DGT, HP. Real impre-
ssions, giant bubbles and fight
against alcohol on the road.

When we think of side.
For + info read the briefing

  • DGT Advertising creativity image

    DGT Advertising creativity
    No alcohol campaign || for Marco García: CocoSchool || Alicante | 2010 || Tools: Photoshop   + info

  • Street marketing HP image

    Street marketing HP
    Real impressions ||for Marco García: CocoSchool || Alicante | 2010 || Tools: Photoshop   + info

  • Advertising creativity Super Bubble image

    Advertising creativity Super Bubble
    Giant bubbles || for Marco García: CocoSchool || Alicante | 2010 || Tools: Photoshop   + info

Creativity pieces

Super Bubble (giant bubbles campaign) / BCN

Project of advertising creativity to the school for communication and the Visual Arts (CocoSchool) of Alicante / 2010
A form of humour and benefit together manifest product without just say it all with words. Sympathy and freshness.

Hewlett Packard ('real' impressions ) 2010 / Las Vegas

Street marketing project for the school for communication and the Visual Arts (CocoSchool) of Alicante / 2010
Always intended that the CMYK pigments faithfully reproduce the reality. For this reason, HP cares about really make us what we photograph and print. The new printer improves the color and gives life to yourself.

DGT (campanya alcohol/velocitat) / Madrid

Advertising creativity for school project for communication and Visual Arts (CocoSchool) of Alicante / 2010
Alcohol and speed are a utopian marriage, although every weekend they come together in the Spanish roads.

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