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Home > Giraliben S.L.

The main distributor of Girbau
in Levant area. Industrial dryers,
calandering machines, bending

Laundry machinery and +...
For + info see the briefing

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Concept and web design for Agencia La Nave image

    Website development for Giraliben, Dry Cleaning and Laundry Machinery |
    Conceptualization and design || Web development for Agencia La Nave | Alicante | 2013 || Photoshop & Illustrator/   + info

  • Visual Identity for Giraliben SL imagen

    Development of Visual Identity for Giraliben, Laundry and Dry Cleaning Machinery |
    Restyling and concept || for Agencia La Nave || Alicante | 2012 || Tools: Illustrator /   + info

  • Visual Identity for Giraliben SL imagen

    Development of Visual Identity for Giraliben, Laundry and Dry Cleaning Machinery |
    Restyling and concept || for Agencia La Nave || Alicante | 2012 || Tools: Illustrator /   + info

  • Visual Identity for Giraliben SL imagen

    Development of Visual Identity for Giraliben, Laundry and Dry Cleaning Machinery |
    Restyling and concept || for Agencia La Nave || Alicante | 2012 || Tools: Illustrator /   + info

Giraliben Machinery for laundry and dry cleaning pieces image

Web design and developing Giraliben / Alicante and Murcia

Identity and web site in collaboration with La Nave Agency / 2013
The main service and laundry of the Catalan multinational Girbau required a new direction with respect to its corporate identity. This was the key to start an exciting project between dryers, industrial washing machines, washing and whiteness instantly tunnels. To do this, and thanks to the work of developers of La Nave Agency (Alicante) sees the light a challenge where design, professionalism, and this type of machinery industrial execution converge in a web space according to the demands of the customer. Giraliben is a medium long term, not only as S.A.T. but also as a professional industrial services provider company.

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