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Home > Topschool

Every foreign language courses
English, French, German, Spanish...

A challenge to your mind.
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  • Catalog academic year 2011 TopSchool image

    Catalog academic year 2011 TopSchool |
    England, Ireland, USA, Canada... || for TopSchool || Elche | 2011 || Tools: Indesign and Photoshop   + info

  • English summer camps TopSchool 2011 Poster image

    English summer camps TopSchool 2011 Poster |
    Cazorla and Costa Blanca || for TopSchool || Elche | 2011 || Tools: Indesign and Photoshop   + info

  • Mec scholarships 2011 3-6 weeks image

    Mec scholarships 2011 3-6 weeks |
    Concept and development of proposal of restyling || for TopSchool || Elche | 2011 || Tools: Photoshop   + info

  • Scholarship MEC teachers and students 2011 design image

    Scholarship MEC teachers and students 2011 design |
    England, Ireland, USA,... || for TopSchool || Elche | 2011 || Tools: Indesign   + info

  • Insert school year TopSchool image

    Insert school year TopSchool |
    England, Ireland, USA, Canada... || for TopSchool || Elche | 2011 || Tools: Photoshop and Indesign   + info

Topschool on and offline pieces

Insert grade school year TopSchool / Courses abroad

England, Australia, USA,... for TopSchool / Elche / 2011
England, Australia, USA, Canada, Ireland and Germany are prepared to receive each year in their classrooms to eager students. The Elche TopSchool Academy advocates a professional, sober, elegant and dynamic graph to achieve your goal. Parents will be the main target of this advertising action but by no means the only beneficiaries of the services provided. Some quotations make up design to set a set with content in its final layout. The fact linking possibilities of professional future with quality educational training, and integrate them into a mostly Anglo-Saxon climate (although also referred to German and French) represent an added value for new students. 3, 6 or 9 months of a student in another country studying and adapting to teachers and other colleagues with families, language and culture, can be an unquestionable personal and educational enrichment.

Mec scholarships new site 2011 / TopSchool

Scholarships for 3-6 weeks (students and teachers) / Elche / 2011
The expected arrival of the scholarships every year as a gift from heaven for many students and teachers in all Spain requires a site to the height. Therefore decides to make a new more professional space, inclusive, global and very well defined design lines. The important thing is the future fellow have the information at your fingertips to make all enriching their March by studies and future employment. A clear, forceful, proposal based on an adaptable and above all increasing, grid depending on the targets that the Ministry wants to propose each year. I have already packed!.

Academic Year Catalog 2011 England, Ireland, USA.UU., Canada, Australia, Switzerland, France and Germany

School year abroad courses / Elche / 2011
Pursue an academic year abroad is a challenge to a student and their families. Also, laying the foundations of a future project that may be hard without the consolidation of a language and values. The catalogue of academic year is a piece that what he wants is move to the action of parents for future training in quality of their children. French educational systems or English can mean a turning point in their lives and reorient your career. A well thought out typography, structure and hierarchical layout, as well as a simple and clean grid help to perceive the information of each one of your pages.

Summer intensive courses 2011 / English and German

Learning two languages on the rise / Elche / 2011
As every summer, TopSchool decides to intensify its educational work in other languages, and so nothing better that develop a clear, direct, effective, fresh and participatory graph. Trying to at all times to increase the level of identification with children, young people and adults in a project that must reinvent itself and offer the highest quality in Anglo-Saxon and German foreign language learning.

Scholarships leaflet MEC 2011 / abd

Canada, New Zealand, Wales, USA, Scotland, England, Ireland, Malta, Australia and Germany for TopSchool / Elche / 2011
As every year the Ministry of education succulent aid grants to teachers and students to study in some privileged worldwide destinations. TopSchool Academy, specializing in vicular training, languages and packages of stays and activities abroad, decides to make a follow-up to their online parts and the complete with a printed piece attractive, uninhibited, thought-provoking and very focused on what young people or fewer adults require. Training languages enjoy abroad and get experiences at an important moment in their lives. 3 or 6 weeks can be a turning point in their lives. The graphic piece aims, through a simple and design-based illustration, raise consciousness asleep in relation to a possible output of future teachers and students. The carousel of destinations with Flash options and color interaction of the flags of each country send a background a sober and uninteresting list of prices.

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